Marie Denee shares her experience as a Black owned media publisher with the BOMESI accelerator.
What Retailers Who Cater To The Plus Size Consumer Don’t Realize
You have to admit, there is a lot happening in the world of plus size fashion right now. Especially with these brands! These plus size retailers and brands who carry plus see the business potential (the $$) but often, we are left scratching our heads as we watch them move. So, started wondering how to…
Before Your Start That Blog or Business, Ask Yourself, What is Your Why?
Often, I am asked what piece of advice I’d give to someone who wants to start that blog or business. For me, it is simple. From 13 years of running a blog turned digital media brand, everything I have done, will do, or am doing, boils down to this: KNOW YOUR “WHY” Your what? Your…
Nourishing Marie
Happiest of New Year’s to You! Instead of resolutions for the new year, I am coming back with a New Year’s Theme: Nourishing Marie!
On Goals, Resolutions, and My Theme for 2020: Audacity
What is your New Year’s theme for 2020? Today, I am sharing my personal theme for the new year and how I plan on implementing this ideal!