You are a plus size designer, retailer, or boutique and you would like to get your brand or company featured on their blog, what do you do? OR, you are launching a new collection or feature and you want to know which bloggers to reach out to, to attain exposure?
Plus Size Blogs have emerged to be an official resource of news, information, and influence showcasing the latest looks, personal style and designers who are making the plus size fashion industry go round! Given that the plus size industry does not have a print magazine publication yet, digital magazines and fashion blogs have become a centralized place for the latest finds, a barometer for what is hot, and a place for you to advertise your business.
But how do you get your business in front of bloggers? Those with reach and influence? Well, to help you out, I have compiled a list of tips for you!
- Build relationships.Behind these blogs are real people who share the same passion for fashion as you! Through their creative outlets and channels, they have found a place to express and harness their thoughts. Sometimes, in order to get in front of a blogger and to establish a relationship, sometimes all you have to do is say hello. With a genuine interest, build a rapport with them! Most bloggers have an email address handy, are on Twitter, and have a presence on Facebook! Support their endeavors rather than only reaching out for a scratch on the back and you will get to know them and how they like to approached.
- Research your intended blogger’s blog.Nothing is more offensive or gets a delete when you pitch a blogger whose blog is so far off from your product. Know your market and theirs. Reading a few posts and/or even subscribing to their blog will help you get an idea of who they are and how they fit into your brands’ message!
- Blogs are Businesses too.While there are those who blog as a hobby or passion project, there are those who have married their passion and business acumen. These blogs have an editorial calendar, contributors, press kits, and media kits. Even those who do it for a passion and hobby will as well! So do not discount these as well. Blogs are a marketing channel, in which you as a brand should allocate resources to! These resources will vary depending on the type of blog, but one thing is to be said: Respect and value their work, time and energy put into their site.
- Email Etiquette.If you are sending out emails to bloggers or across a group of people, unless sent directly to the blogger and another person in the matter, please BCC. Not every blogger or person loves to have their email exposed. In addition to this nicety, when sending out emails, it is always nice to address the blogger by their name- not the blog as they can be and oftentimes are different. It is such an easy way to end up in the trash folder if you do not address the blogger or come off sounding like spam!
- Tailor your pitch.Each blogger has a certain type of method of how they want to be contacted, or what stories they will cover. Timing is another thing. The same story will often get shared, but it’s the story and interpretation that will make each blog different. Should you know a specific angle that will appeal to the blogger, share it with them! However, do not promise an exclusive if you are pitching the same story!
- Blogs are a part of YOUR marketing plan.This is key to know and understand. If you are trying to reach out to a blog and have a specific link, post, feature, or story you want shared with key points, your post requested turns into advertorial or sponsored. These posts are usually part of a blogger’s advertising/ media kit. Understand that through advertising this helps a blog maintain its business operations, pay for operational fees, and to sustain their time allocated. Just as your product has value, so does their blog. Plan and allocate your resources accordingly.
- We can be friends, but Business is Business.Working closely with bloggers, you can oftentimes become friends. Mixing business with friendship can be tricky if you let it be. It is important to remember that just because you are friends, when it comes to business, respect is key. While favors and barters can be had, it is always best to be mindful that this blogger runs a business as well as you are. Nothing is more offensive when you disrespect those lines and expect or demand or assume that a blogger will cross their ethical or professional lines for you.
That is it for now! Do you have a tip for working with bloggers or brands and businesses if you have found ways to work with bloggers that work for you, sound off and share!
Why am I jus finding you now lol! I guess I reached the part in my career where your info is more useful. Your blog is amazing.
I’ve been considering getting into the bogging game. This was very helpful information. I’m bookmarking this for future reference.